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Mina tjänster

Feeling empowered and supported throughout your pregnancy journey is essential. My commitment as your doula is to be a calming presence and together we can create a safe space for you to express your hopes and worries, to find answers to your questions and help advocate for you. This can include helping you prepare for a positive birth experience and adjust to parenthood.


You won't have to face this journey feeling lost, lonely or overwhelmed. I offer personalised support throughout your pregnancy, birth, and as you become parents, always tailored to your unique needs.

Below are outlines of my most common packages, but we can of course tailor them to your preferences.


I offer KG Hypnobirthing and Body Ready Method training as part of the doula package, or as a stand alone services.

Nursing Newborn

Birth Doula

Doulastöd under din förlossning och den första timmen efteråt – jag skapar ett lugn och beskyddar din miljö. 



Vi lär känna varandra och har djupgående samtal om allt kring förlossning för att hjälpa dig att göra informerade och säkra val:

  • Förlossningsalternativ

  • Olika procedurer, fördelar och risker

  • Dina rättigheter inom mödravården

  • Planering av dina födelsepreferenser

  • Andningstekniker

  • Bekvämlighetsåtgärder


Under förlossningen ger jag känslomässigt och fysiskt stöd, fungerar som din förespråkare och hjälper dig att kommunicera med barnmorskor och det medicinska teamet. Jag ser till att du har all information du behöver för att fatta informerade beslut.

  • Ge förslag om förlossningens framsteg

  • Hjälpa till med avslappning och positionering

  • Beskyddar din förlossningsmiljö och tid för anknytning

  • Stödja dig att börja med amning

  • Stötta din partner så att de kan stötta dig

Efter förlossningen

Vid de postnatala besöken reflekterar vi över upplevelsen. Jag stöttar dig med amning och spädbarnsvård samt hjälper till med lättare hushållssysslor om det behövs.

What's included:

  • 3 x antenatal meetings

  • Unlimited phone, text message and email support

  • On call 24/7 for 14 days prior to due date, until birth

  • Support during labour and birth

  • 2 x postnatal visits 

  • Newborn care

  • Light household chores 

Leaves Shadow

" I felt 100% supported "

“I felt as prepared as I could be, the resources you provided, information, podcasts , books, conversations, changed my entire understanding of pregnancy, birth, motherhood! I felt 100% supported during pregnancy,  birth and post birth and your support was gentle, intuitive,  caring, open and honest. Just a beautiful relationship. It was most amazing, I didn’t expect to get as much value as I did and would highly recommend working with Elin for any mum to be. It changed me as a woman. “




Postnatal Doula

"Mothering the mother"


As your postnatal doula I can help you with your baby’s care and look after your baby while you sleep, do some light house chores, cook delicious yet healthy, nutritious meals, walk the dog, do shopping, or some organising to make you’re life easier whilst you care for your newborn child.


Unlike a maternity nurse, as your postnatal doula I'm not there to take care of the baby for you, rather I will be there to support you in being the parent you want to be!


Elin Clements soothing a baby
Leaves Shadow

" Elin was our birth and postnatal doula, and also provided hypnobirthing support . "

"She was an amazing support in preparing for our birth preferences and helped finding various evidence and research. She also helped us plan the logistics for birth.

Postnatally I really appreciated Elin’s company , support and her delicious cooking.“"


A & T


Contact me 

To arrange chat with me about my services simply fill in this short form.

Thanks for getting in touch. I will email you back as soon as I can!

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